Monday, April 5, 2010


Baseball Jackie Robinson

What date did Jackie Robinson change the face of major League Baseball?

How many home runs did he hit the first year?

What year did he win the Most Valuable Player

What batting average?

What was he supposed to do when faced with insults?

How many World Series did he play in?

1962 he was first African American inducted into ______________________?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Hometown; Google Map Montevideo Minnesota
Minnesota River Montevideo, Minnesota
1. how many miles long is the river?
2. What river does it join?
3 What town does the speaker live in?
4 How long ago was the river formed?

Go to google maps
Find your hometown
Post the map on your blog
Tell about your hometown
find a youtube video about your home town
Post five questions about your home town from video , wikipedia, web sites

View Larger Map

My Hometown Bruce Springsteen

Watch this video. Write a paragraph telling what this song is about.
Explain words:Hometown
Getting out
Packing up
History of United States in 1965 Tensions / Black and White

Wednesday, March 24, 2010